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Contact Me About My Mission 

In the classic book by Dr. Seus, the Lorax shouts that he speaks for the trees, since the trees have no tongues. My vision for this blog, Education’s Faulty Foundation, is to raise awareness of the damage school organizations are unknowingly causing voiceless students in their efforts to standardize teaching and testing. The Lorax could not stop the disasters caused by the Once-ler  to the environment and its inhabitants.  We need many dedicated individuals working together, using their collective voices to convince an entrenched bureaucracy to make critical changes to school organizations. 

Society depends on organizations to meet goals that are too great for individual citizens to accomplish on their own. We blindly put our faith in the institutions of public education and government. The purpose of Education’s Faulty Foundation is to raise awareness of the limitations of these organizations. Let’s put our heads together. When out-of-the-box thinkers work together we can speak for voiceless students whose needs have been overlooked for over a century.


Contact me at 337-356-6423 or at

Copyright 2025 | Education's Faulty Foundation

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